Xometry has released Version 1 of Xometry Quickbooks Integration. The initial release will allow the auto-generation of Xometry Job (and manual generation of In-house Job Invoices) as well as the option to auto-generate a Payment link in Quickbooks for those Invoices at the time of Payout.
- Configure Xometry automated Invoice-generation
- Specify the default Quickbooks Customer for Xometry Jobs
- Specify the default Quickbooks Product/Service for Xometry Jobs
- Specify when the Invoice should generate
- When Job is Accepted from Job Board, which sets Invoice Date to Ship By Date
- When Job is Completed (Shipped), which sets the Invoice Date to Ship Date
- Configure automated Payment-generation
- Generates Quickbooks Payment at the time of Xometry Payout
- Payment links to all relevant Invoices
- Manual Invoice-generation for In-house (Non-Xometry Jobs)
- Manually generate Invoices for older Xometry Jobs that were Completed/Accepted before automation was set-up
- The initial release will only be compatible with Quickbooks Online (Desktop to come in the future).
- The initial release will NOT address Financial Services Fast Pay.
- If Job is canceled or gets an updated price after Job Acceptance, the update will not flow to Quickbooks. This must be manually rectified
Getting Started
- In the Management Dropdown under your organization name, click 'Integrations' to navigate to the Integrations Page
2. On the 'Integrations' Page, click 'Connect Account' on the Quickbooks widget
3. You will be prompted 'Web Browser' or 'Desktop', choose 'Web Browser' as the Desktop version is still in development, and then click 'Sync with Quickbooks'. After about 5 seconds of loading, you will be prompted to log into Quickbooks using your Quickbooks credentials, and then grant access by clicking 'Connect'
4. Once you have connected Workcenter with your Quickbooks instance, you will be asked if you want to set up Invoice integration for just Xometry Jobs, or if you want to leverage it for 'In-house Jobs' (your non-Xometry Jobs) as well
5. For Xometry Jobs, you have to set up a few configuration details:
- Generate Invoice automatically when 1) "Job is Accepted" or 2) When Job is Completed (Shipped).
- If you select "Job Accepted", as soon as you accept a Job from the Job Board, an Invoice will be generated in Quickbooks for the Job amount, with the Invoice Date of 'Expected Ship Date'
- If you select "Job Completed", as soon as you complete a Job (Ship the Job), an Invoice will be generated in Quickbooks for the Job amount, with the Invoice Date of 'Ship Date'
- When the Invoice is generated, what is the default Quickbooks Customer that the Invoice should be created under? see below for more details
- What is the default Product/Service that the Quickbooks Invoice Line Item should be attributed to? see below for more details
6. After the initial set-up, you can always 'Edit Configuration' for Xometry Invoices, turn on auto-mated Payments, and turn on/off In-house Invoice functionality
Configure automated Xometry Invoice-generation
- Specify the default Quickbooks Customer for Xometry Jobs
- Specify the default Quickbooks Product/Service for Xometry Jobs
- Specify when the Invoice should generate
- When Job is Accepted from Job Board, which sets Invoice Date to Ship By Date
- When Job is Completed (Shipped), which sets the Invoice Date to Ship Date
The invoice that is generated will populate with the configured Customer, Invoice Date, and Product/Service. The invoice will contain a single Line Item as Xometry Job Price is total and not part-specific
For any historical Jobs accepted/completed (based on your configuration) before the Integration was turned on, you can manually click-to-generate the Invoice from the Job Overview, Invoice Tab
Configure automated Payment-generation
- Generates Quickbooks Payment at the time of Xometry Payout
- Payment links to all relevant Invoices
Manual Invoice-generation for In-house (Non-Xometry Jobs)
Unlike Xometry Invoice generation, Quickbooks Invoices for In-house Jobs is currently built only for manual Invoice generation. This will require actions by the user to push the Invoice to Quickbooks from the Job Overview. We aim to release automations and customer syncing in the future.
- On your Job Overview, toggle to the Invoice tab and click 'Create Invoice'
2. In the pop-up, specify your Quickbooks Customer. Review the Invoice Line Items (and edit the Description as needed) and then click 'Create'
3. An Invoice number and the PDF to download the Invoice will then be returned
- How long should it take for the Invoice to generate?
- The Invoice begins generating at the moment of the trigger (Xometry Job Accepted, Xometry Job Completion, In-house Job Manual) but can take ~20 seconds to fully complete. Please be patient, and try a refresh in Workcenter to see your Invoice PDF
- Is Xometry storing my customer information?
- No, Xometry Workcenter is not storing your Customer Information. In order to push an Invoice to Quickbooks, Workcenter needs to know the Quickbooks numerical ID of the customer being invoiced. As part of the Quickbooks integration, you will need to select a Quickbooks Customer ID by way of the Quickbooks Customer Name that the Invoice will be pushed to. Quickbooks then fills in the rest of the Customer Information (address and contact info) in the Invoice based on the Customer ID we provide.
- Can I use this integration if my Quickbooks account uses HKD or another non-USD currency as the primary currency?
- In order to leverage the integration, the currency of the Default Xometry Customer must be USD. If your default Quickbooks account is not in USD, you can enable multi-currency setting in Settings: Advanced: Currency, which will allow you to create a Xometry Customer with USD.
- Why is the Invoice being generated in Quickbooks without an Invoice ID?
- If you have "Custom Transaction Numbers" enabled in Settings: Sales: Sales form content, the Invoice will be generated with no human-readable Invoice ID. This is because the system is expecting the ID to be manually entered. If you turn off this Settings feature, the Invoice will be generated with the automated Quickbooks-generated number.
- Can I use Quickbooks integration for In-house Jobs, without connecting for Xometry Jobs?
- Yes, when you are setting up your integration simply indicate Job Source: In-House only.
- Will my Quickbooks Invoice auto-update if the Job is canceled or gets an updated price after Job Acceptance?
- No. We do not want to delete records from your Quickbooks system so cancelled Jobs must be manually removed from Quickbooks with your authorization. We may build features to help facilitate this in the future. For Price changes, we hope to account for this is in the future, but this must also be manually updated in Quickbooks.
- Xometry Terms and Conditions, Agreements, Policies, and Certifications