Quotes, Orders, Shipping, Returns and Teamspace
Team Quotes and Orders
Can I download my order documentation from Teamspace?
Can I unshare a quote that I've shared with a team?
Can quotes and orders be shared with more than one team?
Can I receive notifications or alerts on quote and order updates within Teamspace?
What if someone on my team leaves the company? What happens to their quotes and orders?
How do I ensure that sensitive information in quotes and orders is securely shared within a team?
Can external contractors and consultants be limited to viewing only specific data within Teamspace?
Is there a way to restrict the visibility of certain quotes or orders within a team to specific members?
Can anyone on my team delete a quote that I’ve shared with that team, or that I’ve created directly from my team dashboard?
What steps are involved in the checkout process for a quote within Teamspace?
Can quotes and orders be shared with more than one team?
Yes, you can share quotes and orders with multiple teams, as long as you are a member of each team.